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Regression Therapy
$170 per session

Past life regression is a method that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. The practice is widely considered discredited and unscientific by medical practitioners, and experts generally regard claims of recovered memories of past lives as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation.


Past-life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation, though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives.

The technique used during past-life regression involves the subject answering a series of questions while hypnotized to reveal identity and events of alleged past lives, a method similar to that used in recovered memory therapy and one that, similarly, often misrepresents memory as a faithful recording of previous events rather than a constructed set of recollections. The use of hypnosis and suggestive questions can tend to leave the subject particularly likely to hold distorted or false memories.


You will re-experience influential repressed or forgotten events that occurred earlier in this life which may be affecting your presence essence.


You may be experiencing emotional blockages originating from experience from past lives. You are probably not even aware of them. Discovering this hidden information from the past will help liberate you from these shackles which in turn can relive physical and mental anguish. This will assist you in healing and increasing your ability for self-empowerment.

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Image by Peter Herrmann
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